CAD & PLM Software Categories

CAD & PLM Overview
Best CAD & PLM
CAD (Computer Aided Design) software is specifically made for architects, engineers, drafters, artists, and others to make accurate drawings or technical diagrams. In fact, CAD facilitates the design process in all kinds of industries. It enables users to develop and envision 2D or 3D objects and make all the required modifications with minimal effort than manually drawing it with a pencil. Interestingly, the digital illustration in CAD is very close to real life, which makes it precise to a good level. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) usually follows CAD. It leverages numeric control software that encrypts automated commands for a precise machine, processing the data for manufacturing methods like: 3D printing, CNC routing, and laser cutting and etching. CAD is in continuous advancement, getting updates and latest features with each new version of a specific tool. Product lifecycle management (PLM) is the basically the process of handling multifaceted product data, engineering and manufacturing workflows, and association. The software links people, processes, and data through the whole product lifecycle to a centralised source of information. PLM offers many benefits including less production blunders, less cycle repetitions and, eventually, augmented speed to market. As PLM emphases itself mainly with the whole development of a product, it is vital to realize the concept of the product lifecycle and the processes naturally found within. The product lifecycle is largely made of four stages: Concept, Design, Production and Distribution & Maintenance. With CAD-PLM integration, it becomes easy for the users to edit markers and patterns and save the same in the CAD system, this automatically updates the data in the PLM system. Moreover, non-CAD operators can access images, data and costing information that is usually accessible only by workers in the CAD domain.
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