Pradeo Security Systems offers a mobile application security testing suite (including static and dynamic tools that work together) to identify security loopholes and ensure the setting of a robust security framework. ƒÞ The company provides a variety of add-on products, such as Mobile Device Management (MDM) tools. Pradeo specifically provides three additional functionalities: AuditMyFleet, which is instrumental in highlighting security needs in mobile fleet; a worldwide database of public apps security reports; and MyCompanyStore, dedicated to client corporations that want to build a secure App Store. ƒÞ The scanning and testing features offered by Pradeo¡¦s application security solutions are behavioral analysis, analysis of commercial apps from app stores, proactive testing, binary code analysis, APIs for IDE Integration and remote web services, Jailbreak & Root Detection, Application Hardening through its Japanese partner DNP, and identification of vulnerabilities in libraries loaded by an application. ƒÞ The company provides a variety of third-party integrations such as Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with the help of APIs, Airwatch Enterprise Mobility Management, Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), and Qualys Web Application Firewalls.