Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a wide range of genomics products, from sample management to sequencing, PCR and amplicon-based assays. The company enables researchers, diagnosticians, and clinicians to explore and interpret genomic data for a broad range of genomics applications.
• Sample preparation kits for extracting genomic material from almost any sample type
• A wide array of instruments and consumables, such as automated nucleic acid extraction systems, specialised PCR assemblies, and custom kits
• Bioinformatics software and data analysis services
• A comprehensive range of sequencing and amplicon-based assays
• Automation capabilities to help streamline workflows and maximise productivity
Technical Details:
• Next-generation sequencing (NGS): Thermo Fisher's products enable customers to easily perform NGS sequencing and boasts the latest assay strategies on the platform
• Amplicon-based assays: Includes a range of amplicon-based assays for genotyping and targeted sequencing
• RNA-Seq & sample library preparation: With Thermo Fisher's sequencing libraries, users can explore gene expression, detect single-nucleotide variants and investigate epigenetic modifications
• qPCR technologies & sample preparation: Thermo Fisher provides a range of real-time PCR (qPCR) kits, which enable customers to quickly and accurately quantify DNA, RNA and proteins
• Whole genome sequencing: Thermo Fisher's WGS technologies help customers efficiently generate massive amounts of genomic data with industry-leading accuracy and sensitivity.
Thermo Fisher Scientific's products and services are competitively priced. Prices vary based on the type of product and service being purchased.
Industries it serves:
Thermo Fisher Scientific’s genomics products are used by researchers, diagnosticians and clinicians in a wide range of industries, such as:
• Pharmaceuticals
• Medical device makers
• Biotechnology
• Forensics
• Clinical research
Customer Type It Caters To:
Thermo Fisher Scientific caters to customers ranging from core academic laboratories to large pharmaceutical companies, offering products and services designed to fit their specific needs. The company also provides a range of educational resources, from webinars and seminars to support professionals, as well as comprehensive training and method development services for users who are looking to get the most out of their genomics platforms.
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