Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) is a British bioscience company that provides innovative products for DNA and protein sequencing, with a focus on genomics. OXFORD NANOPORE TECHNOLOGIES in Genomics products provide cutting-edge technological solutions to the genomics aerospace, enabling customers to analyse larger, more complex datasets than ever before.
• Portable MinION sequencer – The MinION is a handheld, single-molecule sequencer designed to be used anywhere, anytime. It offers unrivalled accessibility and affordability, targeting research labs and professional users alike.
• GridION devices – For larger-scale genomics projects, the GridION is the ideal choice. It can sequence up to 16 samples in parallel, with up to 4.5Gb of data in a single 24 hour run.
• High-throughput Sequencer – ONT's high-throughput sequencer, the PromethION, offers the throughput needed for large-scale and demanding genomics projects. It can sequence up to 48 samples in parallel, with up to 18Gb of data.
• Long-read sequencing – ONT's long-read sequencing products enable researchers to access the full length of genomic data and analyse complex regions of genomes with greater accuracy and resolution.
Technical Details
• Sequencing capabilities – ONT products offer single-molecule sequencing with read lengths of up to 48,000 bp and estimates on insert sizes, as well as the ability to analyse all types of genomic material.
• Data types – ONT's products generate a variety of data types: DNA sequence data, assembled sequence data, coverage data, expression data, and transcriptome data.
• Software – ONT's products come with a suite of software tools, including Metrichor, Firefly, and Oxford Nanopore Technologies Transatlantic Data Analysis (ONTTDATA).
ONT's products vary in price depending on the type and length of the sequencing project. Prices range from around $399 for a single MinION sequencing run, to around $519,000 for a high-throughput PromethION sequencing run.
Industries it serves
ONT's products are mainly used by researchers, universities, and genomics companies. It has also recently gained a foothold in the healthcare sector, as its products are used to analyse and diagnose genetic conditions.
Customer Types it caters to
ONT's products are mainly used by professional researchers, academic institutions, and healthcare organisations. For individual researchers, ONT's products are accessible and affordable, making them ideal for small-scale and budget-sensitive projects. For larger-scale projects, ONT's high-throughput sequencers offer the throughput and accuracy needed.
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