Dandelion API is easy to assimilate into current systems via a powerful REST API, the engine runs on a scalable structure that can process millions of documents per day. It is also available with on premise integration for business customers with special data safeguarding issues.
Some of the features of Dandelion API:
Entity Extraction
Finds mentions of places, people, brands, and events in documents and social media. Easily gets additional data about the entities.
Text & Content Classification
Classifies multilingual text into standard, pre-defined taxonomies, or builds custom classification schemes in minutes.
Sentiment Analysis
Identifies whether the expressed opinion in short texts (like product reviews) is positive, negative, or neutral.
Keyword / Concept Extraction
Automatically identifies important, contextually relevant, concepts and key-phrases in articles and social media posts.
Semantic Similarity
Compares two texts and computes their syntactic and semantic similarity. Understands when two texts are on the same subject.
Article Extraction
Extracts clean text articles from newspapers, blogs, and other websites. Removes boilerplate and advertising and accesses the full text and images of articles.