TDMaxim enables the fastest possible deployment of high-quality applications at the lowest possible cost, while ensuring that sensitive data is masked to meet regulatory, legal, and business needs.
Best practices:
Recognizes Automation Opportunities: TDMaxim delivers a unified agenda for automating the identification of test data, the mining of test data from other bases, the formation of subsets for various business needs, and their distribution to local test environments.
Masks Business-sensitive Data: TDMaxim offers domain experts whose knowledge in various industries helps arrange data masking efforts, and who can propose cost-effective replacements.
Certifies Use of Appropriate Tools: TDMaxim attains this with a best-practices-based toolset that decreases cost and upsurges the quality of software testing.
Consolidates TDM Services: Centralized TDM expertise provides a solitary, end-to-end opinion of test data management necessities across the organization, eliminating confusion and wasteful, jobless efforts.