LibreOffice Spreadsheets Software, officially known as LibreOffice Calc, is the spreadsheet segment of the software company LibreOffice. It has been designed by The Document Foundation and is available on almost all operating platforms, including the likes of Linux, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, and Mozilla. LibreOffice Spreadsheets Software is also available in a closed form for the operating system, Amiga. It can open the spreadsheets in a format that is almost similar to Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheets can also be converted into PDFs.
LibreOffice Features
LibreOffice Pricing
LibreOffice pricing is not competitive. The only tag at which it is made available is $0.01 for starters. What makes the LibreOffice pricing so low are the open licenses given out to various platforms. LibreOffice pricing does not vary and has been the same for quite a few years.
LibreOffice Demo
A free version of the software is available on the official website. This free version has almost all the features. Nothing, as such, is required to get the free version installed. Once the operating system is provided, the free version of the software can be downloaded for use.
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