Promoter spreadsheet software is a spreadsheet creation model that is used for the complex and large projects in the arena of project financing. Various project finance software tools use it for efficiently calculating appraising projects. The various project financing sectors like the power, petrochemical, pulp and paper, infrastructure, etc. require the use of the Promoter tool. Promoter spreadsheet software predicts the cash flow along with the equity and loans are drawn, revenue earned, operating cost, tax payments, etc, during the construction phase. This is done by assessing the Internal Rate Of Return, Net Present Value, and Loan Cover Ratios.
Promoter Pricing
Promoter pricing information is not available on the Promoter website as the pricing may vary from user to user depending on the features and plans the user purchases. To get the latest information about the promoter pricing, the user needs to contact the vendor. Simply visit the website and get in touch with the support team to get more details.
Promoter Demo
Promoter spreadsheet software provides its users with a demo video, which is available on their website. Through these videos, the users can get some information about how to use the promoter and its features. The videos include comprehensive information about the various features and basics of the promoter and how the users can avail of the benefits of promoter.
Promoter Features
Functional Currency
Cash Waterfall
Legal Structure
Sinking Funds
Buyer, Finance, SME
Buyer, Software, SME