CARMA Social Media Analytics Software is a global media intelligence company. As a provider of intelligence solutions, CARMA monitors media activity whether it is print, social platforms, radio, and TV. Using its database services and intelligence tools, the company’s custom analytics solutions can generate real-time insights into market trends. The goal is to provide relevant, valuable, and actionable insights to assist in client growth – whether one is a PR professional, private sector, and government organizations, or even NGOs.
Based on your business requirements, CARMA pricing information can be gained from the website by filling out a request form. Comparison commercials indicate that solutions can cost upwards of $100 for small businesses. CARMA pricing on custom solutions will vary based on the industry sector and the depth of information required by clients.
CARMA Social Media Analytics Software provides free consultations to companies on their monitoring and measurement capabilities. The company also offers a demo of its product capabilities and free proposals on how their services can help a specific organization.
Social Listening
Media Monitoring
Social Analytics
Integrated Analytics
Website Analytics
Buyer, Education, SME
Buyer, Ecommerce