Braid resource management software is a multi-functional Erp software, backed-up by an AI engine which helps in automating functions for professional business and services firms. The software is designed to serve SMEs and enterprises by providing solutions; it has a vast collection of collaboration tools, budgeting, and forecasting analytics and demand forecasting systems. It can also help users in automated scheduling and resource scheduling.
Braid Pricing:
Braid Pricing structures vary according to user requirements. Users have an option for running a free trial. The software has three versions, and therefore three Braid Pricing plans - for beginner, intermediary, and expertise. For further details regarding pricing of the software, interested users can contact the company or may visit the website.
Braid Resource Management Software DEMO:
A free demo of the software can be used before signing up for it. The demo consists of videos, which elaborately explains to viewers about the working of Braid and how to use its various features, in detail.
Braid Resource Management Software Features:
Buyer, Construction, Enterprise
Buyer, Automotive, Enterprise