Report portal reporting software, developed by developers at EPAM and elsewhere in the OSS ecosystem, is an open-source platform that helps testers and key project partners to track and access all their findings and updates in one place. Report portal reporting software pricing is one of its very attractive qualities. Software assists with the collection, compilation, and review of test results to check product stability. It enables users to manage documented tests, programmed tests, and addons in a single cloud directory to work collaboratively effectively with members of your team.
Detailed Report Portal pricing has not been disclosed, but it is in line with leading competitors in the Reporting Software market. Most software companies and vendors require users to contact them with details so they can offer competitive personalized pricing based on exact business needs. For more details on the best pricing plans and offers contact the vendor directly.
It is a Zero Footprint OLAP application tool that utilizes XMLA to use analytics tools provided by Microsoft. This can be used to build, print, and display a broad range of reports including pie-chart tree, bar-chart tree, type of data entry, crystal reports, and so on. Demo for this software is available directly on the company website. Users can sign up and enroll for the demo.
Collaborative test automation- With collaborative test automation you can, Time-to-market pace of a commodity with joint research automation. Manage documented tests, programmed tests, and addons in a single cloud directory to work collaboratively effectively with members of your team.
Real-time analytics- It allows data to be analyzed as soon as the data is available. In other terms, consumers get perspectives into their program or may make conclusions instantly (or quite quickly afterward). Real-time analytics allow companies to react quickly.
Asynchronous Reporting- The software has an elaborate Asynchronous Reporting feature in place. Asynchronous database processing helps you to ask with very broad data sets and then get the tests. If you think your collaborative queries are running out, you may try utilizing an offline question.
Pattern Analysis- Analysis of patterns is used to convert strings that match a particular template. The toolset for pattern analysis includes tools that help you define, measure, and display spatial trends in your results. Definition, Device. Calculate the sum of Density.
James Smith
Buyer, Healthcare, SME