Bebop is a web-based software that creates an interface to a list of publications previously stored in a BibTex file. It allows browsing by year, author, document type, and keywords using JavaScript and XML technologies. It is popular among individuals and institutions that use it for creating archives for collecting and preserving digital copies of their intellectual productions. It is very well suited for integrated source publishing of bibliographies as it uses a single platform as its databases.
An unlimited number of workstations can be added after setting up customized profiles. For adding workstations, a 24-hour notice to the BeBop support team has to be submitted along with a set-up fee of $100. BeBop pricing is a subscription, which requires every user to have a subscription before accessing workstations. BeBop Pricing varies as per regions.
BeBop provides a free demo before buying the software. In order to get the free demo, some information needs to be provided, which includes name, company email, company name, and the industry name.
Single Database
It is based on a single, integrated BibTex file as a database.
List by keyword, author, and year and document type to discover research areas.
Use virtual, high-end workstations that are more powerful than machine premises or laptops.
Replace hardware premises with fast and efficient infrastructure to fit any kind of project.
Industry-standard Tools
Access professional and reputed tools for editing, graphic designing, VFX, and 3D modeling.
Experience expansible high-speed storage and compliance with Cloud applications and Foundry products.
Experience the highest standards of security, including 2-factor authentication.
Get 24/7 support, support with existing profiles with major Cloud Service Providers like Amazon Web Services.
Get permanent and secure links to storage and publication.
Generate keyword cloud and add new publications online with either BibTex code or by filling in particular fields.