It is a qualitative-analytics software that is used by professionals and researchers. The software can be used to conduct various analyses of online researches and analyze data in multiple manners. Not only textual, but the users can also analyze an image, video, audio. PDF files and YouTube videos. Collaborative, synchronous, and asynchronous, all manners can be used to analyze data.
Gate Pricing:
Price information is currently unavailable on the vendors website. User needs to contact the support team to get the latest price for the services required. Vendor may be contacted through the email or by 'contact us' form available on the website.
Gate Demo:
Just like the Gate pricing, information is also not available specifically on the demo as well. By contacting the vendor through their site, you can get relevant details to schedule the demo of the software. However, by getting a demo, you can get the details of the functionalities of Gate. Gate pricing and demo information will give you complete information about the suitability of the software for your organization.
Gate Features:
The software has many features and is used to conduct various researches due to its beneficial and advanced calculative methods and functions. Following user-beneficial features are provided and offered by the vendor:
Buyer, Software, SME
James Smith