Anyone, be it an individual, a school, an enterprise or a business, Ginger proofreading software helps you in focusing on your productivity by taking away the burden and regret of making small mistakes like spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, wrong punctuations, etc. so that your work doesn’t look unprofessional.
Ginger follows a very simple pricing structure. While the basic app is free, premium comes at $20.97 per month and you can avail great discounts by purchasing longer plans like an annual plan or two-year plan for $7.49 and $6.66 respectively. For enterprise version, user needs to contact support team.
Ginger demo is available on its website for download free of cost. There is no restriction whatsoever on the usage duration of the demo but it is missing many key features included in the premium version like text reader, sentence rephraser, etc.
The amazing and powerful features of this proofreading software which deems it award-worthy include:
Buyer, Education, SME
Buyer, Manufacturing, SME