Oracle delivers a unique set of products, such as ERP, global business management, CRM, PSA, omnichannel commerce, and business intelligence experience.The company provides services, such as consulting, support, knowledge base, and training and certification for students. NetSuite Inc., one of the leading providers of PSA, was acquired by Oracle, to increase its set of product offerings. NetSuite Inc. provides a consolidated solution for PSA through NetSuite OpenAir software, which includes many modules to support the entire services in an organization. This module includes time tracking, project management, reporting, resource management, expense tracking, and invoice. NetSuite OpenAir also provides an integration tool to support the existing systems, which is called the OpenAirCONNECT. OpenAirCONNECT provides tools for integration with ERP, Human Resources (HR), CRM, and Sales Force Automation (SFA). Leveraging and combining all of the integration tools and support modules from NetSuite Inc., Oracle provides its customers a comprehensive solution for PSA.