Imaginators Presentation Software is a platform that lets individuals and organizations display their work in a creative and interactive manner. Not only does it make it easy to develop an online portfolio, but there’s also the opportunity to make presentations that initiate interactions. All it requires one to do is drag and drop the content and customize the design required for the presentation. Animations and various other elements can be added, too, in order to make the presentation more visually attractive.
Imaginators pricing can be divided into two categories, free and premium. The premium version has different pricing depending on the monthly and yearly basis. For the Imaginators pricing monthly wise, the cost is $8 per month, and the yearly version costs $80 for a year. The premium version offers features such as templates, privacy control, community access, carousels, animations, exposure, beta testing, live chat support, sufficient storage space, and so on.
Imaginators Presentation Software provides a demo that’s available on the landing page of the website. Companies can go through the demo to get an idea of how the platform works. Additionally, the free version of the Imaginators also enables organizations to start using it without any cost, and explore it further.
James Smith
Buyer, Education, SME