Baramundi Pricing & Demo

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Baramundi is a platform created specifically to work as a management tool. It is for IT administrators and handlers of companies to ensure seamless integration and working of all the IT-related software and hardware in the company. It helps envision and map out the connectivity between devices, and also helps track the life cycles of these.  

Baramundi Features 

→ Remote working support 

  • Enable working from outside the office by granting features such as the ability to share screens between colleagues. 
  • Conduct meetings and record sessions for future use, and the ability to transfer sessions between persons.

→ Device and Asset management

  • Track the various devices and software that is used within the company, and create a database that updates in real-time.
  • Track costs, compliance by staff, licenses and contracts required and inventory.

→ Patch management 

  • Automate development and dispatch of patches for the software used within the company.
  • Scan devices used within the company and use diagnostic reports to customize patches.

→ Server management

  • Monitor the servers used within the local network of the company and troubleshoot accordingly.
  • Log CPU usage and issues, events occurring within the network, and back up records for history tracking.

Baramundi Pricing

Baramundi pricing does not include a free plan for users. Baramundi pricing does include a free trial for 30 days, which can be accessed on request. The cost of the management suite is not available online and can be found out by contacting the team.

Baramundi Demo

Baramundi offers a demo for its management suite product. It is in the form of a video available directly on the product page. It also offers a more in-depth demo which can be accessed on request, called the “Experience it live” feature.  


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