Anam Technologies is instrumental in providing network security solutions, such as SMS Assure, Signalling,
and SMS Firewall for MNOs and MVNOs to prevent spams and malware attacks. Anam’s SMS Assure is a
platform used for securing SMS traffic, which enables new revenue flow for mobile operators by providing
them with filtering technology. It identifies and blocks grey route A2P traffic on the mobile operator’s
network, thereby providing SMS revenue assurance.
Anam’s SMS Firewall allows operators to control, detect, and protect SMS traffic. Anam’s patented solution
has been deployed by more than 60 mobile operators across the globe. The SMS Firewall has the
capability to block malware sources and can integrate various technologies, such as GSM, 3G, and LTE. It
is also available as a managed service package to upgrade, deploy, and maintain SMS firewall solutions,
along with the latest technology.