Following features are offered by Luminoso Score Drivers:
- Highlights- Capable to identify key insights in text data and see them in one place, so one can quickly and easily understand projects before taking a closer look.
- Volume- Enables to view the full picture of how people perceive and write about your organization.
- Sentiment- Analyze text and report on the presence of negative, positive, and neutral sentiment, so you know how people feel about your products and services.
- Drivers- Analyze mixed datasets, correlating text feedback with numeric ratings to uncover what drives scores people give your products, services, and offerings.
- Galaxy- It's easy for customers' voices to get lost in a sea of data. Luminoso Daylight finds overall topics and trends while keeping individuals' feedback visible and useful.
- Score Drivers offers an intelligent way to automate at scale how an organization understands these mixed data sets, so they can go beyond the numbers to learn which specific aspects of their product, service, or experience need improvement.
Luminoso has not disclosed the price structure for the software on its website. To get a quote, please visit Luminoso’s website for its contact details.
Free Demo:
Information on a free demo can be gained by contacting Luminoso through its website.