AWS IoT Platforms Pricing & Demo

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AWS IoT platforms helps customers who build industrial IoT applications for predictive quality and maintenance of operations, connected home applications, traffic monitoring, public safety, and health monitoring, etc. AWS offers device software, connectivity and control services, and analytics services.  AWS IoT Device software include FreeRTOS, AWS IoT Greengrass. Connectivity & control services include AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Device Defender, and AWS IoT Device Management. Analytics services include AWS IoT Analytics, AWS IoT SiteWise, AWS IoT Events and AWS IoT Things Graph.

AWS IoT Platforms Pricing

AWS IoT platforms pricing is charged only for what you use with no minimum fees. The prices are billed separately for usage of Connectivity, Messaging, Device Shadow usage, Registry usage, and Rules Engine usage. This solution provides you a transparency as you only pay for the specific AWS IoT Core components you use.

For Connectivity AWS IoT platforms pricing is $0.08 per million minutes of connection.

For MQTT and HTTP messaging –

  • Up to 1 billion messages - $1.00 is charged for per million messages
  • Next 4 billion messages: $0.80 is charged for per million messages
  • Over 5 billion messages: $0.70 is charged for per million messages

For LoRaWAN messaging -

  • Up to 1 billion messages - $2.30 is charged for per million messages
  • Next 4 billion messages: $1.50 is charged for per million messages
  • Over 5 billion messages: $1.20 is charged for per million messages

* For Device Shadow and Registry - AWS IoT platforms pricing is $1.25 for per million operations

Rules Engine pricing -

  • For Rules triggered - $0.15 is charged for per million rules triggered or per million actions executed
  • For Actions executed - $0.15 is charged for per million rules triggered or per million actions executed

Device Advisor - Device Advisor is free plan. The customers will need to pay costs associated with AWS usage as part of their testing.

AWS IoT Platforms Demo

AWS IoT Core interactive10 minutes demo shows the components of IoT solution built on AWS IoT and the way they interact with AWS IoT Core services.


Connect and manage devices – AWS IoT Core can connect any number of devices to the cloud and to other devices without managing servers. You can scale your device fleets easily with AWS IoT Core.

Choose your connection protocol
- AWS IoT Core allow you to select preferred communication protocol for your use case to connect and manage IoT devices. AWS IoT Core supports MQTT, HTTPS, MQTT over WSS, and LoRaWAN.

Secure device connections
- AWS IoT platforms provides an automated configuration and authentication upon a device’s first connection to AWS IoT Core. The platform also provides end-to-end encryption across all the points of connection.

Message Broker
– The Message Broker is a high output publish or subscribe message broker that transmits messages to and from all of your IoT devices and applications securely.


  • +14
    Application Development
  • +5
    Big Data Analytics
  • +6
    Configuration Management
  • +7
    Connectivity Management
  • +8
    Data Collection
  • +9
    Data Management
  • +10
    Device Management
  • +14
    Rules engine
  • +13
  • +12
    Live Support Chat
  • +9
    Maintenance & Troubleshoot
  • +11
  • +6
  • +8
  • +7
  • +11
    Performance Management
  • +5
    Permissions and access
  • +12
  • +13
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