SINGLE SIGN ON (SSO) - IDMWORKS implements access management solutions as the security enforcement components of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) infrastructure. The access management component applies access control against predefined security policies established to govern access to network resources.
WEB ACCESS MANAGEMENT - Web Access Management defends access to web accessible services available within the organization through centrally defined authentication and authorization policies using policy servers and/or policy decision points (PDPs) and distributed or proxy-based policy agents and/or policy enforcement points (PEPs); provides session management and domain single sign on (SSO) for web applications
CLOUD SSO - Cloud SSO permits users to sign on to all of the enterprise cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications with single username and password that can be access from organization’s user account credential store.
ENTERPRISE SSO (ESSO) - Enterprise SSO (ESSO) reduces the effort of authentication to different applications by keeping a secured store of credentials for each application that are submitted transparently upon access an application.