WizeHire is an online recruitment platform that takes the tedious task of online recruiting and does it for you. WizeHire makes the best candidates available to you and your task. WizeHire pricing is also pocket-friendly, and WizeHire provides for the screening of unlimited candidates.
The amazing best in class features of WizeHire include:
WizeHire pricing follows a very straightforward and convenient model. If you only want to hire just a single time without any contract, you can cut the deal for $199 per month. It is easy to set up and can be cancelled anytime. If you want to always keep hiring, you can get it for $165 per month. It is cheaper but requires an annual contract so it can’t be cancelled anytime.
There is a two-minute-long demo video on their website by one of their training coaches that explains about their hiring process. There is no free trial of any kind available from them.
Buyer, Construction, Enterprise
James Smith