CommodityPro is a Commodity Trading, Transaction, and Risk Management (CTRM) platform that identify, analyze, and mitigates a wide range of risk factors along with their possible impact on smooth running of business functions. CommodityPro risk management software serves commodity businesses across the areas of finance, accounting, contracts, FX trading, inventory, distribution, trade documentation, farming operations, and many more.
CommodityPro Pricing
Detailed CommodityPro pricing has not been disclosed, but it is in line with leading competitors in the market. For a CommodityPro pricing plan quote, the company can be contacted directly through its official website.
CommodityPro Demo
For more information and a demo, the users can drop a request at the site and get across the demo soon. Post demo users can contact vendor for CommodityPro pricing.
Make Intelligent Decisions - CommodityPro’s analytics and reporting features help you to improve your decision making process. The platform smartly manages the entire value chain of trading by smoothly integrating the next-generation technologies such as AI and ML to recreate your risk management strategies.
Accessed and used via the internet - TechnoGen CommodityPro software facilitates an improved understanding of risk exposures for making informed decision making. The CTRM Software can be used easily on your desktop via the internet as well as on your android and iOS devices. It can be easily accessed and rapidly implemented.
Simple Risk Reporting and Compliance system - CommodityPro software allows you to set your own risk limits and manage your credit utilization. The platform makes risk reporting and compliance system easier by taking advantages of the latest technology trends. You can efficiently capture and manage the entire spectrum of risks in credit commitments.