WooCommerce eCommerce Platforms is an easily customizable, flexible open-source e-commerce plug-in that helps in turning a website into a powerful online store using word press. WooCommerce e-commerce platforms caters to the unique demands of businesses of all scales through additional features employed in the form of extensions. It allows dealing in digital as well as physical products, track inventory, sort legal technicalities such as taxes and accept payments with limitless scalability.
WooCommerce pricing is set at zero, a user can get the online business running seamlessly, thanks to its robust framework supporting scales from basic to enterprises. There are even a free mobile apps and a range of free and premium plug-in extensions with WooCommerce pricing ranging from $25 to $89 to add to the functionality on the platform. WooCommerce pricing may vary depending on the themes, plugin, and Webhosting/domain choice of a company. although setting up Woocommerce is easy, but depending on your fictional and marketing requirement, you may have to consider the cost of developer as well which will add to the Woocommerce pricing. Although starting with Woocommerce does not require this mandatorily.
WooCommerce provides access to demo web stores and showcases of varied business types to offer a first-hand experience of the potential of the open-source plug-in. It also provides email support to it’s users who require the same.
Buyer, Food & Beverages, SME
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James Smith
Buyer, Education, SME
Buyer, Food & Beverages, SME