Pear Deck is a slide presentation tool to create interactive slideshows for students. It is used to actively engage the students and assess them accordingly. The presentations can be made from Google Slides by logging in to the Google Drive account. Teachers can share the unique access codes of their slides to enable access to students.
Pear Deck Features
Pear Deck has very distinguishing features from other slide preparation software.
Pear Deck Pricing
Pear Deck pricing plan includes three pricing models. The basic plan is free of cost and covers interactive teaching slides and templates. The premium plan in the Pear Deck pricing model costs $149.99 per year and offers access to the teacher dashboard. There are customised plans for schools and districts to provide access to every student and teacher.
Pear Deck Demo
Without worrying about Pera Deck pricing, users can schedule free webinar demos which enable them to learn more about the software. They have to register according to the type and features of Pear Deck they want to learn about. The demo webinars are conducted on fixed days for 45 minutes to 2 hours.
Buyer, Education, SME
James Smith