Orange is an open-source Data Analysis software for Windows and Mac, used by Data researchers for everything from data preprocessing to predictive modelling. Supporting Machine Learning and Data Visualizations out of the box, Orange data visualization software
offers both a user-friendly Visual Programming interface, as well as, Python scripting environment. Orange pricing model enables free distribution of the software with advanced add-ons.
Orange Pricing:
Orange is available free of cost and can be modified as per requirement. The development team has published the source code on Github. The software is licensed under the GNU General Public License. The add-ons may have different licensing requirements than Orange pricing.
Orange Data Visualization Software Demo:
A free demo of the software can be obtained by downloading a copy from the Orange website. As it’s a component-based software, you can pick and choose which components to install for the demo. There is no online demo available for the software.
Orange Data Visualization Software Features:
Some of the most potent Data Analysis features that Orange offers
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