The N7-The Nitrogen Platform extends security to the user’s information. The platform uses Augmented Intelligence (AI) with up-to-date Bot detection. DDoS and WAF features are also used by N7 to maintain security of the user’s data. N7 makes use of advanced and customized rules to reduce untrue positives. The needs of the customer are trusted. This SaaS product radically boosts speed, scalability and the security of the user’s website while enriching their experience and also revenue.
N7- The Nitrogen Platform Features
→ AI / Machine Learning
→ Endpoint Management
→ Vulnerability Scanning
→ Behavioral Analytics
→ Whitelisting/Blacklisting
N7- The Nitrogen Platform Pricing
Requirements of a business can vary from the other businesses. The user can sign up and grab all the benefits of the N7- The Nitrogen Platform. N7 Pricing is not exactly provided as it may vary depending on the user and his requirements. Usage of N7 causes a 30% reduction in infrastructure cost.
N7- The Nitrogen Platform Demo
N7- The Nitrogen Platform provides a demo once the visitor fills up their details in the Typeform available on the website of N7. One can even call on the helpline number to get a detailed understanding of the product.
James Smith
Buyer, Software, SME