CallMiner Eureka, a journey-based analytics solution, aids contact centers in improving the customer experience, enhancing the agent performance, ensuring compliance, minimizing risks, reducing operational costs, and enhancing sales. It helps contact center personnel, including supervisors, managers, and agents, access the customer feedback provided by the speech analytics software. CallMiner empowers marketers to use the extended capabilities of with new categories and search queries. The new categories can tag customers’ interactions automatically. These categories can be customized as per the customers’ requirements to obtain rapid business insights. The solution can be deployed on cloud and on premises.
Key Features:
- Free Form Search - The extremely flexibleproximity-based search query language makes it simple to locate and recover contacts using keywords, phrases, acoustic measures and call metadata.
- Organic Discovery - The TopicMiner&rade; discovery tool helps users to discover their customer conversations for possible issues using word clouds, topic clusters and frequency maps.
- Automated Call Scoring - The ScoreBuilder tool helps users to arrange automated call scoring based upon their specific assessment methodology and performance criteria.
- Customer Journey - The journey map shows the entire timeline of a customer’s communications across web, chat, social media and telephony to provide visibility into their experience.
- Agent Performance - The Agent Explorer provides visibility into individual and aggregate agent performance through score comparisons and heat maps.
- Omnichannel Analytics - Omnichannel Analytics provides AI-powered conversational context, scored text and voice interactions, and visions across multiple channels in the customer journey.
CallMiner Pricing
CallMiner Pricing suits every stage of customer journey analytics implementation.
- CallMiner Pricing for 1500 Hours/Month Base - Min purchase mandatory includes 1500 hours of call audio mining/month - $1,275/month and $14,535/year
- CallMiner Pricing 500 Hour/Month Add-on - Additional 500 hour/month call mining capacity (requires Base) - $425/month and $4,845/year
CallMiner Eureka Demo
Users can schedule a demo with CallMiner and get consultation about their requirements.