Natural language-based speech recognition
It cutting-edge speech recognition based on Nuance Recognizer and Natural Language Understanding permits diallers to speak naturally in their own words and precisely captures intent increasing self-service utilization and success.
Intuitive call steering
It improves the use of the automated system and reducing the need for live agents.
Personalized, proactive experience
It identifies contact numbers with existing customer data to actively recognize callers and create a personalized experience that anticipates customer needs and proactively addresses issues reducing time to completion and need for a live agent.
Cloud and On-Premise offerings
Nuance offers cloud based IVR and on‑premise solutions that brings a full conversational IVR experience while permitting for maximum customer choice and flexibility.
Advanced application performance reporting and analytics help discover actionable insights to optimize the performance of IVR and meet organizations KPIs.
Predictive call handling
It resolves the speed call resolution through the Nuance Prediction Service to anticipate the intent of the dialler and personalized menus or route callers to the right destination faster.