KeyCDN is a content delivery network (CDN) startup based in Zürich, Switzerland. It offers businesses the ability to accelerate the delivery of static content such as images, CSS, JavaScripts and other files. KeyCDN’s services cover more than 200 locations around the world and provide a high speed and reliable global content delivery network. It works by redirecting traffic through its global network of nodes to reduce latency and speed up content delivery. The company offers users an easy-to-use control panel, detailed analytics, reporting, and low pricing plans. Its also developer friendly and gives individuals and businesses the ability to create custom URL’s and use Push & Pull Zones for easy integration into their existing websites.
The moment you create your account, you will be able to integrate and optimize your video content within a few minutes.
The services ensure that the customer side stats are generated in real-time, so the reports are trusted by them for its accuracy. It includes accurate data related to credit details, traffic, and storage.