CacheFly offers the following advanced functionalities:
Ultra-low Latency Video Streaming: CacheFly offers an extensive VOD catalog, making it easy for you to deliver even the heaviest of video files.
Multi CDN: With Multi CDN, you can now deliver any content in the shortest route. With Multi CDN, you can now pass through the enormous global traffic in reading your content at high quality.
Smart Edge Apps: With our Smart Edge Apps, you get the power to modify the content, manage cache, and also tools to route your content through global traffic.
Cachefly comes with a powerful API which has helped us tremendously in distributing our content. With the customization feature, it becomes easy to manage the content and distribute it.
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Buyer, Manufacturing, SME
Nov 27, 2019
“Podcasting was never so easy”
We have been taking podcast services from Cachefly for over a decade now, and there have never been any technical issues. The videos can be downloaded faster and without interruption.
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