HCL is primarily focusing on delivering CAM solution CAMWorks that offers seamless integration within the
design environment. This helps business users to automatically accommodate changes to the part model,
which eliminates time-consuming CAM system rework due to design updates. To enhance organizations’
competitiveness in the digital transformation era, it came up with the Mode 1-2-3 strategy. The Mode 1
strategy focuses on core services in a lean and agile manner. The Mode 2 strategy leverages the
advantages of advanced technology services, such as cloud, IoT, and automation, to tap high-growth
opportunities in the market. The Mode 3 strategy ensures future-proof business by signing agreements
with strategic partners. Acquisition of Geometric, a specialist in the domain of engineering solutions,
services, and technologies is marked as one of the major steps by HCL to increase its business in the
engineering services space.