3D Systems is among the leading players in the manufacturing industry. Cimatron and GibbsCAM are the major
products offered by 3D Systems in the CAM marketspace. GibbsCAM is a single-interface CAM system
designed to fulfill CNC programming requirements. Cimatron is designed to address the entire tool making
process. 3D Systems has its patented SLA technology alongside various other technologies, such as SLS,
DMP, MultiJet Printing, film transfer imaging, and color jet printing technology, which provides it a strong
technological advantage. Product launches, contracts, and business expansions are some of the key
strategies adopted by 3D Systems to gain a competitive edge in the CAM marketspace. For instance, in
September 2018, 3D Systems launched new software versions for manufacturing customers to address
the entire manufacturing workflow and delivers competitive advantage. 3D Systems updated its software
portfolio with the release of 3DXpert 14; GibbsCAM 13; Cimatron 14, Geomagic Freeform 2019; Geomagic
Design X 2019; and 3D Connect Service.