Wdesk is a compliance software for large organizations. It offers audit and management solutions to companies by connecting data across documents and producing results and recommendations based on the same. Wdesk promotes remote and concurrent working by being cloud-based and significantly improves the productivity and efficiency of workflow.
Wdesk pricing is very heavily dependent on the features and tools required of the software by the user. Hence, Wdesk pricing is not publicly available. To make enquiries about Wdesk pricing, prospective customers may contact the vendor. Support team gets back with available pricing option.
Wdesk audit software offers a demo to all prospective customers. However, the specifications of the demo software are dependent on the requirements of the customer. Hence, a demo version of Wdesk is not freely available. The vendor may be contacted to arrange a demo of Wdesk.
The following features are offered to customers by WDesk
Buyer, Finance, SME
James Smith