This tool is a professional-level audio editing software by
It allows artists to produce powerful music and creatively use sound effects to create musical arrangements. It also lets artists explore various sound effects and plug-ins such as vintage EQs, reverbs, among others. The configuration of these effects is made simpler by tagging suggested plug-ins.
This is a intuitive software that enables artists to experiment with sounds and instruments along with their various variations.
The pricing for music directors and producers is marked at $199.99 per user. It is a one-time investment and those who own a previous version can upgrade it free of cost. The pricing, for the free trial version available for Mac users, is zero.
The software offers a free trial version for 90 days. It has online sessions, illustrations, and how-to-guides to aid music learners and professionals alike.
→ Unique Musical Arrangements
→ Multi Mix
→ Build a Band
→Record and Perform
Buyer, Education, SME
James Smith