Transformix Computer Corp offers :
Data Source Migration / Archival - Data access on an HP 3000 is unique and proprietary. The database is typically TurboIMAGE and is accessed using TuboIMAGE intrinsics, collectively called the TurboIMAGE API. Transformix’s xformix tools allow TurboIMAGE data, KSAM files and MPE Message files to be stored in the leading industry standard RDBMS’s. These include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2 and Postgresql.
Application Migration - The Transformix Software HP 3000 solution suite offers the most cost-effective, efficient and complete solution for migrating and modernizing MPE/iX applications to enable customers to achieve those strategic goals.
Transformix HP 3000 MPE/iX – Legacy Migration - Helps in migrating MPE/iX Applications quickly and cost effectively to Windows, UNIX or Linux.
Programming Language Modernization - Transformix provides dialog converters, or transformers, for programming languages such as COBOL, C and Speedware that have acceptable replacement compiler counterparts available on target platforms.