Formerly known as Anime Studio, Moho animation software is a vector-based 2D animation software used to create professional motion picture-based animation. Enabled to integrate with other platforms for creating quality animation. A lightweight software, Moho animation software is capable of running on devices that include the Microsoft Surface. The software was initially used in the anime industry but has been used for numerous other types of design and animation and is available in English, German, Japanese, and Spanish.
Moho is available in two versions: the Moho Debut and Moho Pro. Each version has a range of features that suit different needs. Moho pricing is a little expensive compared to other software, but it offers features that match the price. Moho pricing is explained below:
Moho Pro is available for a free 30-day trial. During this trial period, animators can use all the features available in the Pro version and can also run saved files. The only limitation is when exporting files to other formats like Flash and AVI.
James Smith
Buyer, Software, SME