Trimble Fleet Management Solution, Pulse leverages the power of Trimble GPS technology and wireless communication to provide fleet managers and vehicle owners with a cloud-based system for real-time tracking and monitoring of vehicles. Trimble Fleet Management platform provides GPS and asset tracking telematics platform which can be used by all the vehicles. Its value-added app provides driver safety solution, email and SMS alert.
- Trimble Fleet Management Solutions provides real-time visibility of vehicles which enables fleet owners to maintain operating control over vehicle movement and vehicle utilization. It comes with differential viewing and access control depending on the user profile, such as fleet manager, controller or shipper.
- Trimble’s Automotive Platform hardware is equipped with a secure and versatile wireless communication interface that supports integration and interoperability with all transportation and logistics fleet management, supply chain and mobile asset management systems.
- Driver Safety Solution empowers fleet managers and consignors to monitor real-time driving patterns, unsafe driving events and geographical driving intelligence, captured by Trimble’s on-board GPS device.
- Sense and Respond app combines digital and analog sensing technologies with location intelligence in order to provide real-time visibility of driver/vehicle performance and send alerts to caution the driver/manager and enhance safety.